Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Is there a lead time required to engage a transport service?

A: Minimum 1 week in advance, subject to route and seat availability.

Q2: What are the modes of payment?

A: Payment is preferred via PayNow, or Bank Transfer. Strictly NO CASH or CHEQUE payment.

Q3: When do I need to make payment?

A: Payment is due on the 1st of every month.

Q4: How does the parent verify that their payment is successfully received?

A: Upon verifying your payment is successful, we will sign on the bus card.

Q5: When will the bus driver inform us of the pick-up and waiting point before school re-opens?

A:  The driver will inform you via call or SMS between 29th to 30th December. If you did not receive any information after 30th December, please email us at: You may also call us at 62510281/62510283 for your bus information but we seek your understanding that your call may not be answered immediately due to high call volume.

Q6: Where are the pick-up and drop-off points for (i) regular buses and (ii) supplementary buses?

A: The regular bus driver will decide the routine pick-up/drop-off point, likewise the supplementary bus driver will decide the drop-off point. Therefore, the regular and supplementary bus drop-off points may not be the same. 

Q7: Where is the pick-up and drop-off point if I am staying in a condominium?

A: Generally, the pick-up and drop-off point for condominiums are at the guardhouse or the gate barrier.

Q8: Where is the pick-up and drop-off point if I am staying at the end of the road in a private estate?

A: Students residing on roads with dead-end or narrow lane will have to walk to the pick-up point designated by the bus driver.

Q9: What action should the parents/guardian take if they sense that the bus is unusually late and the bus driver is not contactable in the morning?

A: Kindly proceed to make alternative arrangements to send your child to school immediately.

Q10: What if there is a bus breakdown or the bus driver calls in to report sick in the morning?

A: If there is a last-minute bus breakdown or if the driver calls in to report sick in the morning, the driver will call/SMS parents to inform them to make own arrangement to send their child to school. We seek your understanding that it is very difficult for us to arrange a last-minute replacement driver to pick up your child in the morning. In addition, the replacement driver will not be familiar with the route as they need time to learn the route. The fastest and most effective way is for parents/guardian to make their own arrangements to send the child to school.  

Q11: If my child is not feeling well and will not be taking the bus in the morning/afternoon, who should I contact?

A: If your child is sick and not taking the school bus in the morning or afternoon, please call or SMS to notify the bus driver.

Q12: Are children allowed to board a different bus freely while going back home?

A: Children are not allowed to switch to a different bus freely from their regular assigned bus and cross-transfer will create unnecessary disarray in transport arrangement.

Q13: Is there any bus service after my child finishes his/her Supplementary/CCA lessons?

A: Please contact RS Transport to check whether there is an existing Supplementary bus service serving your area. Additional charge is applicable for the Supplementary bus service arrangement.

Q14: What happens if the Regular / Supplementary bus service does not cover my area or the seats are fully occupied?

A: You may contact RS Transport to check if there is a private transport service serving your area. Please see Q16 for more details. In the meantime, kindly make your own transport arrangements. We seek your understanding that we are not able to add a new bus or change to a bigger bus to cater for 1 child.

Q15: What happens if I move to an area that the bus service does not cover or the seats are fully occupied?

A: You may contact RS Transport to check if there is a private transport service serving your area. Please see Q16 for more details. In the meantime, kindly make your own transport arrangements. We seek your understanding that we are not able to add a new bus or change to a bigger bus to cater for 1 child.

Q16: Can I charter private transport where there is no bus service for my child?

A: Please contact RS Transport to check if there is a private transport service serving your area. Premium charges will apply for any private chartering service. In addition, parents will not able to request a specific time of pick-up/drop-off/driver/routing.

Q17: Why is there a change to my child’s pick-up/drop-off time during the year (Feb-Nov)?

A: The change in timing could be due to a new student joining the bus or a student terminating the bus service. As a result, this will affect your child’s pick-up/drop-off time. RS Transport reserves the right to make changes to the routes, the drivers, the buses and pick-up/drop-off time when needed. Parents are not able to request a specific time of pick-up/drop-off/driver/routing.

Q18: Why does the pick-up and drop-off time change from year to year (Jan)?

A: For each new year, there will be new P1 students added to the bus while subsequently with P6 students graduating, there will be changes to your child’s pick-up/drop-off time due to possible change of route. RS Transport reserves the right to make changes to the routes, the drivers, the buses and pick-up/drop-off time when needed. Parents are not able to request a specific time of pick-up/drop-off/driver/routing.

Q19: What is the notice period for terminating the bus service?

A: Termination notice must be given 2 month in advance in writing or 2 month’s bus fee in lieu of notice should be given.